Up to You Page 18
He stills my movement and then lifts his hips, rubbing his growing hard-on against my bottom. “True. Didn’t you mention a sore throat earlier today? Headache? Isn’t there a twenty-four-hour stomach bug going around?”
I love that he’s adopted my habit of coming up with hypothetical excuses to get out of things we don’t want to do. “Last Sunday we both woke up with the stomach bug to avoid dinner with your parents. I don’t want to jinx myself by using that one too frequently.”
Post wedding scandal, we’ve had dinner with the Roberts at least once a week. I think Gwendolyn is still in denial over Landon because she never brings him up. Out of sight, out of mind. Easy to do when he and Twyla refuse to return to Aspen. They even skipped the holidays, which is the best possible decision they’ve made so far. At least they have some common sense when it comes to waiting for things to blow over before coming home. I imagine them on the run, constantly moving from place to place, but the reality is they’re living together in a condo in Denver.
Topher moved to New York City, and if the local gossip has it right, is dating a lovely woman from Connecticut.
Aiden nuzzles my neck with his nose. “If the snow is deep enough, you’ll have to work from home. For safety reasons.”
“Oh, that one would be perfect.”
“You’re welcome.” He pulls down the collar of my sweater to kiss my collarbone.
As the official Social Media Director for the Aspen Coalition, I’m working full time in the office. No more slinging crepes at La Belle Femme. I started the job in January after the huge success of the gala. Doesn’t hurt my boyfriend is the newest board member and made a sizable donation to fund more staff. I have no issues with a little nepotism if it’s for the greater good.
I’m thrilled with the position except it puts a dent in my time on the mountain. And it means I spend my days in the office instead of lounging around in bed all day with the aforementioned boyfriend.
We spend the time apart sending each other ridiculous text messages filled with random emojis we try to make dirty.
The end of ski season is a few weeks away and I’m looking forward to the silliness of Schneetag with the girls.
Rumor has it Lee will be proposing to Sage, which is about damn time. Jesse was the first to start the trend over New Year’s, with a sweet proposal involving his dog, Fern, wearing the engagement ring on her collar. Only took Mara two days to notice it. If Justin drops to one knee and asks Zoe to marry him, I’ll once again be the odd girl out.
And I’m fine with that.
Because I know when Aiden proposes, it will be with the most epic romantic gesture yet that will make me ugly cry.
No matter what, I’ll say yes.
He’s my person, my future, and my forever.
More books by Daisy Prescott
Love with Altitude:
Next to You
Crazy Over You
Wild for You
Up to You
* * *
Tinfoil Heart
* * *
Ready to Fall
Confessions of a Reformed Tom Cat
Anything but Love
Better Love
Small Town Scandal
The Last Wingman (TBA)
* * *
Modern Love Stories:
We Were Here (prequel to Geoducks)
Geoducks Are for Lovers
Happily Ever Now (TBA
* * *
A magical short set in Salem, Massachusetts
A magical sequel to Bewitched
A magical continuation
A magical conclusion
A Note from Daisy
Thank you for reading Up to You.
I hope you enjoyed Mae and Aiden’s story. When I launched the Love with Altitude series, I said it would be four books long. Does that mean there won’t be more books set in Aspen and Snowmass? Never say never.
I appreciate you taking the time to write an honest review and sharing it on Goodreads or your favorite retailer. Reviews and word of mouth are the best ways to spread the word about books we enjoy.
To keep up with my latest news and upcoming releases, sing up for my mailing list.
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If you’re reading this, thank you. I have amazing readers and I’m forever grateful you take time out of your lives to spend with my characters and stories.
To my husband, I couldn’t do this without you. When I’m on deadline, hangry, over-caffeinated, sleep deprived, unwashed, snarling/crying/laughing as I write, you’re there to support me. Whether it’s with beta feedback, hashing out a sticky point in the plot, or gentle prodding to shower and eat, you’re the reason I’m able to write “the end” on my books. Thank you for being my HEA.
Thank you to Shannon Lumetta for all of beautiful covers for this series. You’re a magical sorceress. MJ, thanks for the early feedback and reminding me I can be funny.
I’m blessed to have an amazing team of editors and proofreaders: Melissa Ringsted at There for You Editing, Janice Owens, and Elli Reid. Grazie mille to Fiona for formatting this series. You are patient, kind, and the best cat herder around. To Jenn Beach, you are amazing. Thank you for all that you do behind the scenes and all of your insights. You keep my crazy train running smoothly.
Thank you to Jessica Estep and KP Simmon at Inkslinger PR for insight and guidance in all things marketing and promotion. Meire Dias at Bookcase Literary Agency, thank you for your ongoing championing of my books.
To the members of Daisyland, thanks for your enthusiasm and passion for my books. I love our virtual club house, To the RC, you’re the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for your time and encouragement.
Thanks to my fellow authors who continue to inspire and encourage me. To Julie, Tina, and Melulia, thank you for cheering me on when I kept swearing this book would never be finished. To my fellow authors of the Nerdy Little Book Herd, thanks for all the laughs and being awesome. To the authors of the Cocky Collective, I’m proud to stand alongside you. To the Indie book community, thank you for the years of support, friendship, wisdom, and generosity that goes beyond writing and publishing. To every blogger who shares, reads, reviews, and promotes the authors and books you love, thank you. We are a sisterhood.
Most of all, dear reader, thank you for reading this book. I appreciate every review, message, and email from you.
I love hearing from readers. Come find me on social media and say hi, or email me at daisy@daisyprescott.com.
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About Daisy
Daisy Prescott is the USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romantic comedies, including Modern Love Stories, the Wingmen series, and the Love with Altitude series, as well as the Bewitched series of magical Halloween shorts, and Tinfoil Heart, a romantic comedy standalone set in Roswell, New Mexico that may or may have aliens.
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Daisy currently lives in a real life Stars Hollow in the Boston suburbs with her husband, their rescue dog Mulder, and an indeterminate number of imaginary house goats. When not writing, she can be found in the garden, traveling to satiate her wanderlust, lost in a good book, or on social media, usually talking about books, bearded men, and sloths.
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