Up to You Page 16
“Let me.” Leaning down, he presses a kiss against the swell of my breast through the silk fabric and then drags the zipper down with his hand. When the fabric parts and drapes over my shoulder, he gently pulls it away from my body, leaving my breasts exposed.
“So beautiful,” he whispers as he kisses one breast and then the other, alternating between cupping them with his hand and lavishing them with his mouth.
The combination of his words and touch sends a rush of pleasure through my body. I need him. Now, if sooner isn’t possible.
Refocusing on his buttons, I get the shirt open and drop it to the floor next to his jacket. He’s still wearing too many clothes, but I savor the feel of his chest beneath my fingertips. Every inch of him is covered with hard muscle. My fingers skim down the smooth skin of his biceps and then back up to trail over his pecs before dropping down to his abs, which bunch and tighten beneath my touch.
His mouth finds mine again and he’s savage with his kiss, as desperate as I feel. Too soon he pulls away and drops to his knees in front of me.
There are moments in life I’ll never forget. Seeing Aiden kneeling before me, his eyes hooded with lust, is one of them.
With a tug, he removes the bottom half of my jumpsuit and drags my underwear down in the same movement. I kick off my heels.
“What are you doing?” I ask, hoping I know exactly what he’s about to do.
A devilish smirk twists his mouth. “As if you don’t know.”
Rising on his knees, he kisses a line from my ankle to the top of my thigh. I arch my back and try to direct him to where I ache for him.
“Lie back and let me take care of you.” He presses his hand on my stomach. “I have you.”
I rest my lower back against the cool, quartz surface, but lift up on my bent elbows. Because if Aiden Roberts is going down on me, I need to watch. If this only happens once, I need to have a visual to remember the moment.
Pressing his hands on my inner thighs, he encourages me to open for him. Between licks and kisses, he keeps telling me how beautiful and sexy I am. When he hums against my clit, my back arches. I’m so close so fast, it’s a little embarrassing.
“Don’t hold back,” he whispers, meeting my eyes as he slips a finger inside of me.
I try to keep my eyes open, but my lids keep fluttering closed with each new wave of pleasure.
“You’re so fucking sexy. I’ve wanted to do this forever.” He adds another finger and presses both against the front of my inner walls before tonguing my clit again.
“Oh, oh, Aiden,” I shout as my orgasm slams into me in one huge rush of sensation. Everything else in the world disappears besides his touch and the pleasure pulsing through my body.
He brings me back to reality with a soft kiss to my inner thigh. When he slides his fingers out of my body, I miss the contact instantly. Crawling over me, he kisses a path from my navel to my neck, pausing to suck a nipple into his mouth.
“You are spectacular. Don’t ever believe anything less,” he whispers against my lips and then kisses me.
I kiss him back, not caring that I can taste myself on his lips. If anything, the combination of his minty mouth and my own scent flips a switch inside of me. I’m greedy for more of him.
“Do you own a bed?” I ask, tipping his chin up with my finger.
“Of course.” He smirks. “Want to see it?”
Not waiting for me to confirm, he slides his hands underneath me and lifts me off of the counter. “Wrap your legs around my hips.”
Kissing me, he walks us down the hall and then drops me on his bed. I gaze up at him while he kicks off his shoes, undoes his buckle, and slides his pants and underwear to the floor. He stands naked in all his glorious beauty and I’ve never seen anything sexier than when he strokes his cock while ravishing me with his eyes.
“If we don’t have sex soon, I might combust.” My skin burns, and despite having an orgasm less than five minutes ago, I ache for him to be inside of me.
“We can’t have spontaneous combustion, can we?” He opens the nightstand drawer and takes a condom out.
“Please tell me you have more than one,” I whisper, mostly as a quiet prayer.
“It’s a brand new box. Will that be enough?” He doesn’t hide the amusement in his voice.
“For now.” I watch as he gives his swollen head a tug before sliding on the latex. Condoms are weird and unsexy unless it’s Aiden sheathing himself with one in order to have sex with me. Then it’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
“This isn’t going to be slow and gentle,” he warns me with a low growl. “At least not the first time.”
When he settles between my legs, I wrap my arms around his back and kiss him, losing myself in the sensation of his tongue stroking mine as he thrusts into me in one long stroke.
Even after the incredible orgasm he gave me as a warm-up, it takes my body a moment to adjust to his size. He switches to shallow thrusts, kissing me and thumbing my clit. The combination sends me racing toward another orgasm, but I need more.
“Harder, please,” I beg, unashamed to ask for what I need.
He complies, giving me deep, strong thrusts that hit the spot inside of me.
“That. Don’t stop,” I whisper.
“Not until you come again.” He grinds his hips against mine, as deep as he can possibly be.
I explode and tighten around him, pulsing waves of pleasure washing over me once again.
“Sexiest thing ever,” he whispers as I come down from my second orgasm. “I want you to go for three, but I’m not going to last.”
Changing positions so he’s kneeling with my ankle on his shoulder, his movements speed up, losing their rhythm right before he stills, arching his back as he comes with a deep growl.
When his orgasm fades, he leans over me and kisses me. “You are amazing.”
After another quick peck, he leaves the bed to clean up.
I stretch, feeling sore in places I’ve forgotten about, but completely sated and happy.
He returns with a warm washcloth for me, carefully and lovingly cleaning me. “Bathroom’s all yours. Fresh toothbrushes under the sink.”
I kiss him and then roll myself off of the bed. “Can I borrow a T-shirt to sleep in?”
“Top drawer to the left in the closet.”
Naked, I pad across the room, feeling the weight of his stare on my back.
Aiden is nothing like what I expected and everything I fantasized he’d be.
Chapter 18
Reluctantly, I leave Aiden’s apartment before the sun crests over the mountains to the east. I think having sex with Aiden is an excellent excuse to miss the wedding this afternoon.
Wearing an ancient pair of jeans, a faded Colorado T-shirt, and a pair of sneakers, Aiden insists on escorting me downstairs.
I repay the favor by insisting on making out with him during the short elevator ride to the lobby.
“Last chance to ditch it all and stay with me instead …” He presses his lips against mine once, twice more. “Say the word and we’ll lock ourselves in the apartment and order room service. No one knows my apartment number and won’t be able to find us for hours even if they organize a search party.”
“Stop making me laugh so I can give you a proper kiss goodbye. It’s impossible to kiss and smile at the same time.” I prove this point by attempting to do both at the same time.
“I’m sure with practice, we’ll tackle this weakness.” His arms wind around my waist and he kisses me thoroughly, sweeping his tongue against mine. Master kisser extraordinaire.
A polite cough alerts us to company. It appears in our horny fog, we’ve stopped in front of the elevators and are blocking access.
An older woman in a smart leisurewear ensemble smiles knowingly at us. “Nothing like young love.”
I open my mouth to correct her assumption, but Aiden beats me to it by saying, “Thank you. I couldn’t agree more.
As the doors close, she basks in the beauty of his smile like a cat in the sun. I can’t blame her. I feel the same way when he directs the full force of his handsomeness and charms in my direction.
“Why are you grinning?” His breath tickles my ear when he speaks.
“You made that woman’s day.” My grin widens.
“Did I? I didn’t notice.” He stares into my eyes and it feels like he can see all the way through me to my soul.
“I have a vague memory of plans for today, but can’t remember what they are.” I back him toward the elevators.
He smirks at me. “I changed my mind. We’re going together. Landon can go by himself.”
“I love the way you think.” I stretch up to show my appreciation for his brain with a kiss, which I end with a slight nip of his bottom lip. I might have a small obsession forming over it and I have zero regrets.
“I’ll pick you up at two.” He sweeps his lips over mine one more time.
I manage to break away from him and take a couple of steps in the direction of the exit before he calls my name.
Thinking he’s changed his mind, I grin at him when I turn around. “Yes?”
“This is a little awkward, but I don’t know where you live, nor do I have your cell number. I basically have no way of contacting you other than through your work.”
A couple getting off of the elevator overhears this exchange and snickers. They seem vaguely familiar to me, but I don’t know their names. Could be guests from last night. Feeling the need to clarify this situation and redeem myself in their eyes, I clear my throat and clearly enunciate, “I’m not a Russian escort. In case you were wondering. He’s not paying me for sex or companionship.”
Aiden fails at containing his deep rumble of laughter. “We’re all good. You’re not cops, are you?”
My eyes bug out of my head.
Thankfully, the couple laughs as they walk away. She twists her head to glance at us over her shoulder. “Ah, young love.”
A sweet sentiment, but I’m confused if she believes this is a modern day Pretty Woman moment. We are standing in a hotel lobby and I’m obviously wearing last night’s clothes. Or overdressed for Saturday morning errands in my black jumpsuit and heels.
“And on that note, I’m leaving.”
“Phone, please.” He holds out his hand, his shoulders still shaking with laughter.
Obeying his command, I pass him my phone.
“All set. I texted you some emojis so you know it’s me.” Grinning, he hands me back the phone. “See you at two.”
The closing elevator doors swallow him before I can ask about the emojis. Glancing at my phone, I see he’s sent me nothing but red hearts.
Once I’m home, I expect to get a text from Landon about picking me up or some other nonsense, but he’s quiet this morning. Around noon I meet Sage for a blow-out. Checking my phone after, I see that I still don’t have anything from Landon. Aiden’s texted twice, once with a picture of his rumpled bed and later with a warning he might show up early to ravish me.
He didn’t use the word ravish, but I’m going to assume that’s his motivation.
Two o’clock on the dot, my door buzzer rings. Pressing the button on the video monitor, Aiden’s handsome face fills the screen. I pause for a moment to admire him in his deep navy suit and open-collared white shirt. He’s clean shaven again today, and while I do love direct access to his mouth, I kind of miss his beard and scraggly appearance. There was something wild about him that’s been tamed by custom-tailored wool and a smooth face.
Several seconds later, he arrives at my open door, where I’m casually leaning against the jamb.
“You look incredible.” He sweeps his gaze from my loose waves, over the silky green, maxi dress hugging my curves down to my nude booties.
I’d planned to wear heels, but we did get a light dusting of snow overnight. Nothing to stick on the roads or grassy surfaces down here, but the tops of the mountains have a sprinkling of white that hasn’t melted yet.
With the sun out and the sky a crystalline sapphire, the day is perfect for a wedding.
“Stop looking at me like you want to eat me,” I tell him.
“Why? Maybe that’s exactly what I want to do.” He crosses the threshold and steps closer to me. “I walk you back to the arm of the couch and have you sit. Then I could lift up your skirt, carefully so as not to wrinkle the fabric before kneeling in front of you, slipping aside the lace or silk covering you, baring you for me. Maybe I’ll linger there for a moment, memorizing your delicate skin, how it thickens and swells with desire. Unable to resist any longer, I’ll sweep my tongue up your center, tasting and enjoying every second, every moan and sigh of your pleasure.”
My legs give out and I sit heavily on the arm of the couch before slipping down to the cushions.
“Someone needs to text Twyla and tell her we’re going to be late.” Pulling him forward by his jacket lapels, I kiss the hell out of him, not caring if he rumples his suit or my dress.
He moves his mouth down my jaw to the tender skin by my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin and making me squirm. “I somehow doubt the bride has access to her phone and is responding to text messages.”
“You make a fair point. We’ll have to send our regrets later.” I smooth my hands down his back before cupping his waist and then his ass. Being a mountain girl, I never considered myself the type of woman who goes gaga over a man in a suit. Turns out I’d never seen the right man in the right suit before.
“Why are you desperate to get out of going to this wedding? Other than Landon is your official plus one.” Standing, he lifts me up by my arms. Once we’re both vertical, he steps back, sweeping his hands down my dress to smooth out any wrinkles. Every touch makes me feel cared for and important.
Pausing for a second because I’ve never given it much thought, I try to come up with a reason. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I didn’t want to go even before the setup. Big, pretentious, family events annoy me. Twyla is younger than I am and getting married, not that age matters. All of my friends are paired off like we’re loading up a new ark. My mother is obsessed with weddings and who is getting married versus who isn’t, which makes me feel like I have an expiration date stamped on my forehead.”
Turns out, I have a lot of issues with weddings.
With a sheepish smile, I duck my head and stare out the window at the yellow aspen leaves.
“Those are all valid points.” Cupping my cheek, he stands in front of me and gives me a soft, lingering kiss. “However, we should make an appearance at least. We can duck out early.”
“I considered developing a sudden case of Whooping Cough to avoid going.” I wrinkle my nose at how silly I’m being about the whole event. It’s a few hours of my life I’ll never get back, but so what? I’ll never have those hours I wasted on researching rare contagious diseases again either.
“You’re ridiculous.” He picks up my coat and small purse.
“Why do you say it like this is a good thing?” I allow him to slip my coat over my shoulders.
“Because you are the best thing to happen to me.”
Chapter 19
We join the other guests arriving at the gondola plaza for the quick trip up the mountain to the wedding location. I find my friends in the cluster of people waiting to board, and we join them.
Everyone looks gorgeous and fancy, like we’re going to adult prom in the middle of the afternoon.
Zoe arches an eyebrow at my date. “Did you upgrade your Roberts brother?”
“What happened to Landon? Is he locked in a closet somewhere?” Grinning, Sage appears delighted by the idea.
“Is this approved by your mother?” Mara giggles.
I answer all of their questions in order. “Yes. I don’t know because he has apparently ditched me. Most definitely not approved and I don’t care.”
Our turn to board comes, and we squeeze together in the gondola.
Wrapping his arms around my waist, Aiden presses his front against my back while we enjoy the views during the ascent.
At the top, we disembark into a long line of open-sided but heated tents. A calm woman—with the voice of a patient pre-school teacher—instructs us to leave our coats at the coat check before moving along. Elegant heat towers line the path to the seating area in front of a huge arch covered with white and pale blush roses, birch branches, and clumps of silvery greens with gold accents. Beyond the flat area, the slope drops into the valley below. Snow dusted peaks surround us, creating an incredible backdrop. This view will never get old.
“It’s perfect,” I whisper before catching myself.
A blonde cellist plays softly from her chair off to the side of the altar. We’re greeted by waiters holding trays of champagne and sparkling water.
“Your cousin went all out, didn’t she?” Mara asks, holding a flute and twisting her head to take in every detail.
“It’s the wedding of the year,” I mumble, scanning the crowd for Landon and my parents. “Anyone see Landon?”
“I’ll go find my mother and ask her.” Aiden walks away, winding through the crowd.
“Spill everything,” Zoe demands. “Quick before he comes back or Landon shows up.”
“Save the details for Taco Tuesday,” Mara suggests, “when we have more time for the good stuff.”
“Aiden and I are together as of last night. It’s been building since the raft trip, maybe even the night at the museum.” I give them the very basics.
“I knew you’d find a better date.” Sage squeezes my arm. “Everything works out as it should.”
Aiden returns, flanked by both of our mothers, who wear matching perturbed expressions.
“Found them,” he says with a flash of a smile.
“Where’s your date?” Mom asks me.
I point to Aiden. “Right there.”
Mrs. Roberts sighs. “She means Landon. You were in charge of him.”